News Archives

5 themes – Conversations with CU leaders

5 themes – Conversations with CU leaders

Based on calls we have received over the last month, there is no doubt credit union leaders believe our business will be forever changed after COVID-19. The thoughts these leaders shared with us can generally [...]

Be a better problem solver in 6 steps

Be a better problem solver in 6 steps

If you’re able to, think back to a time pre-the-current-crisis, when some within your organization (just like any organization) were no doubt bothered about this or that change, this or that problem, or whatever [...]

Generational relativity & payments preferences

Generational relativity & payments preferences

When it comes to innovation and implementing change, credit unions have many things to consider, including cost to implement, deployment strategy, security and compliance, and employee and member onboarding—among other things. For many organizations, [...]

Treasury issues information on spotting fake EIP checks

Treasury issues information on spotting fake EIP checks

U.S. Treasury checks will be mailed to millions of Americans starting late April due to the CARES Act, and the Treasury and U.S. Secret Service have issued information to help financial institutions and [...]

Compliance staff on high alert

Compliance staff on high alert

Two watch phrases guide compliance officers as their credit unions navigate a steady stream of regulatory guidance and changes in serving members during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stay tuned. Document everything. Federal and state agencies are [...]

Foundations step up with assistance programs

Foundations step up with assistance programs

Credit union foundations, with support from leagues and credit unions, are providing relief assistance throughout the states they serve as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic touches every corner of the nation. Iowa Credit Union Foundation The [...]

NCUA adopts two rules on appraisals

NCUA adopts two rules on appraisals

At its April 16, 2020 meeting, the NCUA Board adopted two rules relative to the requirement to obtain an appraisal on certain real-estate related transactions. First, the Board amended the appraisal rule to increase the [...]

Like credit unions, children’s hospitals are facing difficult times

Like credit unions, children’s hospitals are facing difficult times

This pandemic has impacted many industries and companies, some for the better and many for the worse. Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals understands that credit unions are struggling in a variety of ways. Operationally, [...]