News Archives

…You might be a manager

…You might be a manager

Growing up in rural Pennsylvania, I always enjoyed Jeff Foxworthy's comedy routines. Especially the "you might be a redneck" bits.  Sure, they sometimes hit a bit close to home, but I always thought it was [...]

Get the gratitude attitude

Get the gratitude attitude

I am an eternal student and am constantly reading anything I can get my hands on about things that interest me…travel, history, entrepreneurship, credit unions…you name it.  Leadership is something about which I [...]

Mitigating PINless debit fraud exposure

Mitigating PINless debit fraud exposure

Various financial institutions around the country have experienced counterfeit activity resulting from “PINless” debit transactions, some of which have led to losses in excess of $100,000. PINless debit authorizations involve purchases under $50.00 [...]

Is worrying ever wise?

Is worrying ever wise?

We are told everyday not to worry. Whether it pertains to a personal issue with friends and family or a work misstep, others easily advise us not to sweat it. But it’s time to [...]