New Mexico, Maryland see CU-supported candidates win in primaries

Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC), CUNA’s federal political action committee, and its League partners supported 39 candidates from eight states during Tuesday’s primary elections, most of which won their respective party nominations for Congress. Ballots in several states are still coming through in several races, as of Wednesday morning.

Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) won an uncontested Democratic primary for a Senate seat which currently held by Sen. Tom Udall (D), who will not run for re-election. He will face Republican challenger Mark Ronchetti in November.

In New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional District, attorney Teresa Leger Fernandez (D) defeated several Democratic primary challengers with 41.8% of the vote. She is running for the seat vacated by Luján. A winner of the district’s Republican primary has not been called yet.

Both Luján and Fernandez are strong credit unions supporters and were backed by the Credit Union Association of New Mexico and CULAC.


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