NCUA actions related to COVID-19

To: Federally Insured Credit Unions
Subject: Operations

Dear Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer:

The NCUA recognizes COVID-19 will impact credit unions and their members to varying degrees. I want to assure you that the NCUA is doing all we can to address the situation.

The health and safety of all NCUA staff, credit union staff, and credit union members are our paramount concern. We plan to take every step to ensure that our agency’s critical mission of protecting the safety and soundness of the credit union industry will continue to be executed as effectively and efficiently as possible.

In addition, it is important to ensure credit unions can continue to meet, to the extent possible, the financial needs of their members. I encourage you to review previously issued NCUA guidance that addresses business continuity, hurricane, disaster, emergency, and pandemic planning and preparedness.


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