NAFCU’s popular ADA FAQ document updated

NAFCU recently revised its widely downloaded Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) FAQ document for those credit unions with questions and concerns about litigation threats related to unclear website accessibility requirements under the act. This updated document, which includes further information regarding court actions on the issue, is available for download here.

To date, credit unions in at least 24 states have been targeted with demand letters on this issue. NAFCU’s FAQ document now includes mention of the fifth amicus brief filed by the association in support of a Texas credit union’s motion to dismiss an ADA website complaint. The case (and a similar case against another Texas credit) was voluntarily dismissed the same day.

The document also highlights another case that was dismissed by a court in Virginia; NAFCU stood by that credit union during a court hearing.

Furthermore, NAFCU’s FAQ document includes questions and answers on strategic options under consideration, which credit unions are being targeted by plaintiffs’ attorneys and how credit unions are responding to demand letters regarding their website compliance with the ADA.


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