NAFCU rep Stafford to share CUs’ housing priorities with lawmakers today

NAFCU witness Rick Stafford, president and CEO of Tower Federal Credit Union (Laurel, Md.), today will share during a House Financial Services Committee hearing credit unions’ views on housing finance reform and the importance of maintaining secondary market access for the industry.

This will be NAFCU’s 12th overall time testifying during the 115th Congress. Stafford also testified in October 2017 during a hearing on housing finance reform priorities before a House Financial Services subcommittee.

The hearing, rescheduled from a prior date, is set to begin at 9 a.m. Eastern today and will focus on draft legislation from House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas. The proposal would preserve a NAFCU-sought explicit government guarantee on mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and seeks to protect lending opportunities for small lenders.


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