NAFCU details what possible election outcomes mean for CUs

Leaders of NAFCU’s award-winning government affairs team Thursday provided credit unions with insights into how the power structure of Congress and regulatory agencies could be impacted by the outcomes of the 2020 election. In addition, NAFCU’s Carrie Hunt published a new op-ed in CUInsight touting credit unions’ position for success heading into a new year and congressional session.

As of Friday morning, presidential results for Alaska, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania were unknown.

In her op-ed, Hunt, NAFCU’s executive vice president of government affairs and general counsel, noted the uncertainty remaining in the election results: The presidential winner has yet to be called, and while Democrats will maintain control of the House, Senate control is dependent upon the outcome of races that are too close to call.

“It is important to remember that there are several issues still to be resolved this year before we even get to the winners being sworn in come January,” Hunt wrote. “Congressional leaders will soon turn their attention to the remaining work left for this Congress, and NAFCU will be advocating for credit unions every step of the way.


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