My bra & the credit union

I have a 15 year old son.

Now normally this would indicate to you that I have permanent frown lines and a sore throat from yelling..


We lucked out with this kid.

He’s kind, compassionate, empathetic, and loving…

…all of the things that I had hoped for as I looked into his eyes for the first time.

With that said, he also has my sassy pants.

He can come back with some zingers that will make your head spin.

Because I share nearly everything, this next part may make some of you embarrassed.

I bought a new bra.

Now those of you that wear these contraptions know that when you start feeling less support, you must start fresh.

I fell victim to a Facebook ad that said it was guaranteed to lift, separate, and make your gals sit where they were supposed to sit.

I had no idea what that meant, but I was intrigued.

So, I ordered.

When it arrived, I quickly tried it on and put my shirt back on over it.


Is THAT where they were supposed to be this entire time?!

Who knew!

My son walked in from school and was chatting with me as he set down his backpack and took off his shoes.

All of the sudden he looked up at me and said “Whoa!”

Whoa? – I asked.

What is going on with that? – he pointed to my chest area.

Oh. I got a new bra and it’s a good one!

He stood there for a minute before releasing this on me…

Kind of false advertising, isn’t it?


Oh NO you didn’t!

You are probably thinking, Nanci how are you going to spin this topic into credit unions?

Here it goes!

We all need financial support.

When we don’t feel it, or it starts to lack, we want to start over…start fresh…

The object is to not let your credit union member service start to droop.

(haha “Punny!)

Once that happens, your members will not only see it but feel it when they stop in or call.

We are supposed to keep them up, stable, and where they need to be.

We are that comforting support system in a chaotic world.

Sometimes we all slack.

It happens.

We don’t like to admit it and we certainly don’t want to fix it because then someone would notice it was broken.

Kind of like the bra I tossed.

Obviously, I was not sitting where “I should have been sitting” and it was noticed.

As credit unions we may falter.

I mean we are humans as well.

It’s how we bounce back that matters.

Lift your members.

Secure their financials.

Get them where they need to be.

Be that support system that gives them the confidence to keep going.

Nanci Wilson

Nanci Wilson

Nanci started her credit union journey due to lack of kindness. That fact is what led her to close her bank account and open up at a credit union. Ultimately ... Web: Details