Multitasking doesn’t get the job done

It’s not unusual for a senior executive to have multiple projects going at the same time. Things need to get done, and jumping from one of those projects to the next often seems like the most productive way to knock them out. In other words, you harness your ability to multitask.

But experts disagree. An article published in TIME notes, “Multitasking is a weakness, not a strength.” The article explains that taking on more than two tasks increases the likelihood of errors and causes us to use our brains less effectively.

Furthermore, a Houston Chronicle article says multitasking causes a lack of focus, impairs memory, increases stress levels and comes at a cost to your life and livelihood.

What do experts recommend? The TIME article suggests the 20-minute rule. “Rather than switching tasks from minute to minute, dedicate a 20-minute chunk of time to a single task, then switch to the next one.”

Forbes interviewed Julie Morgenstern, a productivity expert, who recommended three ways in which people can work smarter:

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