Mobile app stores from banks: Fact or Fantasy?

By. Ron Shevlin

A well-known research firm recently published a report that claimed:

“Within two years, 25% of the top 50 global banks may launch app stores to enhance customer service and make innovative banking applications easier for customers to find. As banks continue to develop apps for different segments of the customer base, app stores, complete with user reviews, will help customers find and use apps that are appropriate for them.”

And within two years, they might not (if this isn’t the clearest clue as to which research firm we’re talking about here, I don’t know what else to tell you).

So, two years from now, 12 out of the “how many freaking banks are there in the world?” will have an apps store. Oops, I mean “might” have an apps store. Credit Agricole already has one, so, one down, 11 to go.

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