MCUEs: Total CU memberships hit 118.8M in December 2018

The credit union movement’s overall capital-to-asset ratio increased from 10.8% in November to 11.0% in December, according to CUNA’s Monthly Credit Union Estimates for December 2018. The total dollar amount of capital for credit unions increased 1.4% to $162.3 billion, and total credit union memberships grew 0.4% during December to 118.8 million.

“The monthly estimates show that credit union memberships grew a very strong 0.36% in December, the fastest December growth since 1994,” said Jordan van Rijn, CUNA senior economist. “If that figure holds up, credit union memberships will have increased 4.52% in 2018, the fastest annual membership growth since 1986 and the first time that memberships have increased more than 4.00% for three years in a row since the 1970s.”

Credit union loans outstanding grew 0.6% in December 2018, matching the growth for November. Credit card loans led loan growth during the month, rising 2.0%, followed by fixed-rate mortgages (1.3%), unsecured personal loans (1.2%), new auto loans (1.1%), other mortgage loans (0.4%), and used auto loans (0.2%).


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