Man v. Cloud: 3 tips for migrating to the cloud

I love Man v. Food! The concept of some poor bloke pitting himself against the biggest, tastiest, spiciest foodstuffs that the United States of America can throw at him has an unending appeal for me. Sometimes he wins, sometimes he loses. But he almost always get sick trying.

Adam Richman: Man v. Food

In a bizarre way this reminded me of the early forays of those looking at moving their ECM to the cloud:

  • Some people wanted to go with the biggest dish they could find – aka the big players such as Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Services
  • Some wanted tasty – for many in cloud terms, this meant the cheapest solution
  • Some wanted spicy – cool technology, fancy websites; but not necessarily key things like a track record, customer base, or basic functionality

No matter what, they almost always ended up getting sick trying to get where they wanted to go.

However, we’re now a little further down the road with ECM in the Cloud, and vendors and end users are both more measured and reasoned when it comes to deciding on their “plat du jour.” But there are still some simple tips that can help those wanting to take the ECM in the Cloud Challenge. (They may help Adam Richman from time to time!)

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