Linda Bodie on leadership

The leader of Element FCU reflects on the CEO journey in these times of COVID-19.

In two decades at the helm of Element Federal Credit Union ($52.2M, Charleston, WV), Linda Bodie has seen a lot. But nothing like this.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused upheaval among her 5,200 or so members, 15 employees, and, of course, in her own life. Dealing with the responsibility of far more than finances and payroll can take a toll, and Bodie says she’s been learning how to manage and cope in new ways that benefit all those stakeholders — including her family.

Here, Bodie takes her eye off the member journey with her small but innovative cooperative to share some thoughts about leadership and the CEO journey through these troubled times.

On the pandemic’s initial effect on leadership …

Before the pandemic, life and leadership were stable and relatively easy because it was predictable. We’ve always had ups and downs, challenges and crises, but we’ve never faced such an extreme disruption as we did in 2020. I think the pandemic drastically shifted my focus to the health and safety of my staff as well as our members.


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