Kansas, Missouri officially launch ‘Open Your Eyes to a CU’

Consumers in Kansas and Missouri started seeing Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union® materials Monday as CUNA’s Awareness initiative officially expands to those states. Already active in North Dakota, South Dakota, Indiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolinaand Michigan, the campaign has reached 100 million impressions online and nearly 10 million people have watched the Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union® videos to completion.

Designed to raise consumer consideration of credit unions, the digital-first, category-level campaign takes on industry myths, targeting millennials and parents aged 25-54 who are not credit union members.

“We’re thrilled to more than double the number of states running Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union®. Heartland Credit Union Association and all the Kansas and Missouri credit unions that have contributed to this campaign are helping to strengthen our movement through this important initiative,” said Jim Nussle, CUNA president and CEO.


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