Just (don’t) say no during COVID disruptions

NO! It’s one of the first words we learn as children. And for most of us, it’s a word we regularly use as we grow older. In professional settings, “No” has the power to shut down strategic conversations with unfortunate effectiveness. Whether responding to a new idea that challenges the status quo or a suggestion that seems like a lot of work, “No” is the answer that will require the least amount of effort. At least in the short term.

What if, instead of responding with a quick “No,” we paused and said “Yes”—or more specifically, “Yes, if…”? This simple approach worked wonders for Walt Disney. The world-famous Disney empire was founded on Walt’s upbeat ability to sidestep the easy “No” and replace it with a more hopeful “Yes, if…” Even in the most challenging situations, Mr. Disney kept his focus on positive outcomes. When asked if Disneyland could be built, everyone else said, “No, because…” But Walt? He answered, “Yes, if…”

  • Yes, if  we get someone else to pay for it.
  • Yes, if  we hire the world’s best experts to build it.


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