It’s never too late to make resolutions

by: David Karl

A little over a month has passed since we rang in the new year and set personal goals to make 2015 the best year yet. So, how are your resolutions going? Good? Bad? Did you even make any? While it’s true that the new year invites new beginnings (and new resolutions), the reality is, you can make a resolution any time of the year. And, they don’t have to be run-of-the-mill resolutions like getting in shape, saving more money, etc., which—let’s face it—are all-too-easy to not accomplish.

Consider making some less typical resolutions for 2015 that affect your professional life. Have you ever thought of how you can apply your resolutions to your financial institution? Probably not. But, just like we set measureable performance-based goals, you could make professional resolutions that—while they may not be completely measureable—will positively impact your financial institution.

To get you started, here are three vendor-related resolutions you could fulfill this year to ensure you have brought more value to your institution and your customers.

1. Develop vendor relationships with industry leaders

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