Is Your Team Aligned? Is it Ready to Execute in 2013?

by Tom Glatt, Jr.

As you prepare for the execution of your credit union’s 2013 strategic plans, consider this question: Do you know whether the organizational priorities of your management team are aligned? Furthermore, do you know whether team members share the same views on current credit union performance? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then your 2013 performance might be much less successful than you expect.

Glatt Consulting offers a unique Management Team Alignment Assessment and Response solution to help credit unions determine whether management team members share the same perspective with regard to organizational performance and priorities, and what to do about it if not.

First we start with an online assessment. Management team members offer their perspective regarding organizational performance and priorities, rating performance across several management-specific disciplines and also ranking organizational priorities.

Once the assessment has been completed, we combine team member responses into a Results and Key Findings Report. The report shows:

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