Is it Possible to Differentiate a Checking Account?

by Steve Topper

How does one really define a breakthrough in product development?  What is required to make an existing product uniquely different?

Finally, is it possible to create an exciting new type of checking account – one that would have mass appeal?

I’m not sure it’s possible but one regional bank has gone to the effort to do so.

While getting rarer by the month, occasionally I come across a newspaper ad from some bank introducing what it believes to be an exciting new product.

This happened in The Sacramento Bee last Sunday, November 4, 2012.

Here’s the half-page ad from Union Bank.

Scanning the headline and large visual the product being promoted is not immediately obvious.  In fact, the headline, by itself, is basically worthless.  Going back to carefully read the copy inside each of the boxes making up the visual it becomes apparent that the product being promoted is a checking account.

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