Investment priorities change from executive to executive

Explore how personalized executive benefits can attract diverse talent by aligning with individual retirement goals and values.

One person’s vision of retirement may be quite different from another’s. As credit union leaders design executive benefits packages to attract and retain diverse talent, it’s important to keep this in mind.

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all retirement plans that fail to recognize the distinctive needs and preferences of individual executives. Modern retirement plans must be flexible and personalized, catering to the unique goals and aspirations of each leader.

How a professional dreams of spending their sunset years is not the only variance we see across individuals. So, too, is the notion of how much money will be enough—for not only retirement, but also for leaving a legacy. Whereas one credit union CEO may visualize leaving a windfall to a set of heirs, another may hold the financial values of a “Die with Zero” enthusiast.


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