Investing in credit union boards

So much of what we do as a movement starts at the board level. Credit union boards are instrumental in setting the direction of your credit union and how it serves your community. They’re also evolving alongside our movement; roughly half of all credit union boards turn over every five years.

  • CUNA Professional Development Online offers more than 50 courses aimed at putting your boards in the best position to succeed. These include courses on financial literacy, governance, strategic planning, and more.
  • We also have several in-person events coming up in Phoenix, including the Credit Union Board Roundtable (Sept. 10-11), Credit Union Board Development School (Sept. 26-27), and Finance for Boards and Committees Workshop (Sept. 28-29).
  • Our Credit Union Directors Newsletter is designed to keep boards up to date on the latest policies, trends, and research.

CUNA is here to be your champion, from staff and management to the board, so you can be there for your members.


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