I’m Game! Are You?


So yes, I am still in shock at the fact that I am actually a CU Water Cooler Editor. This title was given to me at the CU Water Cooler Symposium that was held in Nashville in October. How did I win such a prestigious role you ask? I won a scavenger hunt. That’s right, my unwavering ability to willingly make a complete fool out of myself in front of a city full of strangers landed me this awesome gig.

(Take that countless teachers, bosses, authority figures who told me my “class-clown” ways wouldn’t get me anywhere in life. I say to you, HA!)

Participating in this scavenger hunt took guts. Yes, I am an outgoing and competitive person but the possibility of the unknown is always daunting. I made the decision that I was going to win. I was going to do what it took no matter how ridiculous it seemed so that I could achieve something that I wanted.

Here’s what I learned from this adventure:

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