Illinois League’s Kane promotes #ILoveMyCredit 2022

Illinois Credit Union League (ICUL) President/CEO Tom Kane recently appeared on CU Broadcast to preview the second annual #ILoveMyCreditUnion social media blitz campaign, scheduled for July 29.

“This all started a couple years ago when I was serving on one of the committees engaged in the ‘Open Your Eyes’ Campaign,” said Kane. “I brought up the idea that there is a lot of social media out there. Why don’t we harness the power of all these connections and people that we know?”

More than 700 organizations registered and 7,000 people participated from nine countries in 2021. With over 33,000 messages and a reach of over 22 million people, efforts caught the attention of personal finance expert Suze Orman, actress/comedian Sarah Silverman, and former NFL quarterback Steve Young.


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