If You Want Loyalty, EARN It!

by. Sean McDonald

Hello friends! It’s been a while since my last post on this blog. For that, I apologize. However, my “vacation” from blogging was necessary so I could complete the work associated with my company’s next initiative that I’ll be announcing a little later on this year.

OK – back to the blog!

Do you know what they call a leader with no followers? Just another guy or gal. I can’t remember when I first heard that but whenever it was, it made an immediate impression on me.  Being a leader isn’t about titles and power. It isn’t about shouting orders at people. It isn’t about treating people as if they are your personal valets.

True leaders understand that in order to be effective and successful, their team members must be committed to the team and must have a deep loyalty to the team’s leader. Otherwise, the team members are just killing time and collecting a paycheck. Productivity suffers as a result and consequently so does profit.

Here are a few ways that leaders can create that commitment and earn the loyalty of those that they manage:

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