HR Answers: Americans don’t take sick days (but they also don’t always work at work)

Leadership coach discusses the issue of “presenteeism” and how managers can safeguard against it.

Forget sick days: Research shows that presenteeism costs business 10 times more than absenteeism. While workers say that they only take 4 sick days a year, they also confess that they spend nearly 58 days a year being idle or unmotivated on the job.

No wonder it is estimated that employers lose $255 dollars in productivity a year per employee due to presenteeism.

But how can managers and employers reduce this costly problem and make sure that employees are not just physically present, but also engaged in their work?

“Presenteeism” is when an employee is at their desk or their station, but they are not working at full capacity due to being distracted, disengaged or otherwise run-down. It is a costly problem that touches every industry and every company, but thankfully it is one that can be addressed effectively.


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