How to survive a layoff

Surviving a layoff isn’t easy and can be as damaging emotionally as it is financially. Here are a few steps to help you through this difficult time.

Do all you can before you go

Most companies will provide some sort of severance package, and it’s possible you may be able to do a little negotiating when it comes to what’s included. Find out how much time you’ll be paid for and whether or not you will be compensated for any unused vacation days. Remember to write all of this information down so you can make sure that you get paid everything you’re promised.

Get your mind right

Being laid off can come as a shock, so make sure you give yourself some time to adjust. A few days to get your thoughts in order can be very helpful going forward. That time will help you stay calm when you feel like panicking.

File for unemployment benefits

The sooner you file for unemployment, the sooner you can start receiving compensation. While it’s not a replacement for a full time job, receiving unemployment funds can be very helpful when times are tough.

Update your resume

Your resume should always be current, but if it’s not, make sure you get it done as soon as possible. Once it’s ready hit up job boards like Craigslist and CareerBuilder and get your resume out there.

Cut costs

Your fixed expenses need to be paid in full, but those expenses with a variable cost can be cut back. Food and entertainment are areas you can easily cut back in, and remember to talk with your family about ways everyone can help save money.

Look at health insurance

If your job comes to an end, then obviously so will your health insurance. If this happens, you need to figure out what to do next. You can pay for COBRA insurance, but be aware that it doesn’t come cheap. Do some research and find the best option. You may be able to find a single policy for a lot cheaper than what you’d pay for COBRA.

Ask family for help

Sometimes, our pride can get in the way of asking for help. Whether or not you want to seek financial help from family is completely up to you, but remember when it comes to feeding yourself or your family, every little bit helps. If you don’t want to necessarily ask for financial help, remember your family can still be a great source of encouragement during this tough time. Having someone in your corner who cares about you and is willing to give advice or just listen can provide you with a lot of hope.

Be aggressive

You can’t fill out too many applications or send in too many resumes. Make sure if you’re going to go, you go all out. The more you do, the better you’ll feel about your prospects for finding a new gig. And make sure to get out of the house. Cabin fever is even worse when you’re already feeling down.

Don’t give up

Your job search probably won’t be quick. Keeping this in mind from the start will help you be mentally prepared for the road ahead. Get into a routine. Besides looking for a job, find time to do things for yourself, like working out and volunteering. Anything that lifts your spirits will be good for you during your job search.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor at, where he ensures that the credit union community receives consistent, insightful, and timely updates. Through community articles, syndicated content, and original ... Web: Details