How to manage your time when working from home

Working from home is a lot different from being in an office. It can be especially difficult to manage your time during this period of quarantine, because it’s like you drove to work and when you got there, your roommate and your roommate’s cat were both there. If you’re married with kids, you may be dealing with even more distractions in your new “office”. If you’re having difficulty getting stuff done, here’s a few things to consider…

Pay attention: You may think you know exactly how much time you need to get things done every day, but those estimates may differ now that you’re stuck at home with a minivan-load of other people. If the work from home life is still new to you, start keeping tabs on how much time you need for each item on your agenda and how much time you’ll need for scheduled interruptions like making lunch for you kids. This will help you have a greater understanding of the time you have available and how much you really need each day.

Look for weaknesses: Everyone wastes a little time every day. For some it’s in the morning, for some it’s closer to quitting time, and for others it’s at other random times during the day. If you’re having trouble getting all of your tasks accomplished every day, figure out where your weak spots are, and be mindful during these times. You don’t have water-cooler talk at home, but you might run into other distractions when you head into the kitchen for a fresh cup of caffeine.

Make a schedule: If you do a thorough job of planning out your day, it should end with a good feeling of accomplishment. If you’re on the phone with clients or coworkers a lot throughout the day, don’t forget to set aside some time to catch up on the things you need to scratch off your list, so you’re not having to always work late into the evening.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor at, where he ensures that the credit union community receives consistent, insightful, and timely updates. Through community articles, syndicated content, and original ... Web: Details