How to keep your MSRs from quitting

Providing employees with fair compensation and opportunities to grow will only take your credit union so far. While competitive wages are one way to help retain employees, ultimately that’s not what will keep them happy. The day-to-day environment within your credit union and their relationships with management are the areas that can make or break the Member Service Representative (MSR) experience. MSRs are the glue in a credit union. They have the closest relationship with members and work to meet their needs each and every day. If MSRs are unhappy, it weakens their ability to serve members and should they continue to be dissatisfied, your credit union won’t be able to retain them. Here’s how you can keep your MSRs from quitting.


A huge contributor to MSR satisfaction is their level of engagement. Unengaged employees quickly become apathetic and unenthused about their job. Engagement will not only build a closer manager-employee relationship, but it will also help open up the conversation between employees across the board. The United States average for employee engagement is just 68%, and organizations who push past that to achieve 70, 75, or even 80 percent engagement tend to have a much better work environment. Provide several touch points for MSRs to engage at work. Whether it be a casual weekly check in with their manager or a monthly lunch, these types of engagements build camaraderie within a credit union and help to keep employees happy.


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