How to Improve Your Front Porch: The “About Us” Page

Working on and improving your credit union or bank website is an in-depth and often arduous task. It is also an ongoing and repeated assignment (a lot like the crews responsible for painting the Golden Gate Bridge; once they finish the span with a fresh coat, it’s time to start all over again at the beginning).

However, don’t get too bogged down in the details about image placement, design elements and search engine optimization. Yes, these things matter, but perhaps not as much as what many first-time website visitors consider the “front porch” of a site; the “About Us” page.

If ever there was a neglected website page, the hapless “About Us” fits the bill. Maybe we should rename it the “About Us When We First Created a Website and Had to Throw Something on Here” page.

Far to the contrary, your “About Us” page should be a dynamic, representative and frequently-updated part of your website.

When updating your “About Us” page, keep the following simple ideas is mind.

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