How to fight analysis paralysis and regain control

The coronavirus pandemic changed life as we know it, essentially overnight, from the way we do business to the strategies and plans we had put in place at the beginning of the year. This is what, LT. Jason Redman, a retired Navy SEAL, leadership expert, and bestselling author, would call a life ambush.

Redman describes a life ambush as an event that may have left you feeling:

  • overwhelmed to the point of shutting down;
  • filled with anxiety, sleeplessness, or irritability;
  • overcome by shame, guilt, and anger;
  • buried in conflict, miscommunication, and chaos; or
  • dogged by emptiness and lack of purpose or meaning.

The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has changed our office culture and relationships and placed some unexpected obstacles in our way. As we walk the path to recovery, it’s important to rely on key tools and strategies to ensure we are always leading and pushing our companies and teams forward.


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