How to build an effective team

Leading an organization is more than attending meetings, delivering speeches and ensuring deadlines and goals are being met.

Those things are all well and good, but I’ve quickly learned that the most important task we have may very well be building the right team – including those you place into leadership roles within your organization.

As Forbes states, building the right team “requires the ability to master the ‘art of people’ and knowing how to maneuver hundreds (if not thousands) of people at the right place and at the right time.” Even if you lead 10 people, building an effective team means knowing the individuals on your team – their strengths and competencies – and putting them in the right place.

A leadership article in the Huffington Post highlights three “C’s” for building an effective team. They include:

Collaborate: Allow your team to share ideas.

Cooperate: Listen to your team – be a team player.

Coordinate: Make sure everyone – at all levels in your organization – understands your vision.

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