How Does Microsoft’s End of Life Announcement Impact Credit Unions?

by Royce Yeager

Are you a Credit Union IT professional not running the latest Microsoft software in a Microsoft-based IT shop? I have good news and bad news for you. Which do you want first? I’m a bad news first kind-of-guy, so we’ll start with that.

The Bad News

Microsoft has announced that Windows XP, Internet Explorer 6, Office 2003, and Exchange Server 2003 have all entered their final year of support. That’s right…in less than 365 days all of these staples of IT, especially in the Credit Union world, will be end-of-life’d by Microsoft.

The Good News

If your organization is still using these Microsoft staples, you are not alone. You may be surprised to know how often we help clients update and upgrade to the latest and greatest version of Microsoft’s operating systems, office applications, and email. Obviously no one wants to get stuck managing an unsupported platform, but there is still a year for you to do your due diligence  test, and implement replacements for these products.

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