How credit unions can succeed through humility, creativity, and improvisation with Charlie Trotter

A real Friday treat for you here, as we managed to track down Mr. Charlie Trotter and get him on the show for a little chat on improvisation, humility, and creativity — and how those three elements can really help your credit union succeed. You’d be surprised how these are overlooked in our everyday work lives that starve us of true innovation. So we invited Charlie on the show to dive deeper into this topic, which was a real eye-opener — and any credit union looking for a leg up will want to watch this program.

Here’s a telling comment Charlie shared as an example of how this stuff can work for your CU…
“Team dynamics and leadership either free people’s creativity or lock it up like a sword in a stone.”

I’ve watched Charlie speak at the CU Water Cooler Symposium a few times and have always been floored by how he can take something so innocuous like humility and make it a benefit for your organization. So I invite you to sit back this Friday or weekend and enjoy your talk with Charlie. And he is quite possibly the happiest person this side of Jupiter, so it’s a mighty fine time chatting with him. Enjoy — and take notes!


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