How credit unions can be more eco-friendly

Does your signature state something along the lines of “Think Green! Please consider the environment before printing this email?” Or have you seen this in another individual’s email signature before? Do you take this into consideration and truly “think green” while in the credit union workplace?

Many people do not know that making your office more sustainable can actually be an easy thing to do. So, let’s go over a couple of ways to make your credit union more eco-friendly.

Go paperless and reduce the use of single-use plastics

Start with the basics! The first thing you are probably thinking about is tackling the use of paper and plastics. But why does the use of these items affect the environment? The day-to-day use of paper in turn increases the demand for more.

Whether that be printer paper, paper cups, paper plates, paper advertising, handouts, or even business cards, the need for more paper aids in more trees being cut for production and leads to deforestation, ultimately affecting our environment.


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