How Can Our Credit Union Help the Community During a Crisis?

by. Michele Dowis

So the disaster didn’t impact us directly… How can our credit union help the community during a crisis?

Heroes…. It’s not just the firefighters and police officers you hear about being heroes. Sometimes it’s your neighbor, your coworker or a complete stranger. I read an article that highlighted a woman who served soup and burgers to emergency crews at a church mission after Hurricane Katrina. She felt it was wrong that emergency personnel and first responders were working long hours on empty stomachs and pre-packaged meals. Regardless of the hours and the lack of nourishment, these men and women continued to provide assistance to those in danger and in need.

In a separate crisis, Mama Passarelli’s Dinner House’s owner was determined to help more. Passarelli started by providing batches of soup from her restaurant during local disasters. She then used a government grant to purchase a mobile kitchen, pulled together volunteers and took her good deed on the road. Over 20,000 heroes at disaster scenes have been served by the volunteer Soup Ladies ( “They see the worst, so they deserve the best,” said Passarelli after the ’07 California wildfires.

We have all been involved in acts of kindness and likely viewed as a hero to someone at some time. The more prepared you are to handle a disaster, the more prepared you can be to help others. What are ways your credit union can reach out to your community during an event?

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