How Can Financial Institutions Make Banking More Enjoyable?

Should banks and credit unions even try to make banking a more enjoyable experience? Is this a strategy that can lead to buried treasure, or is it a search for fool’s gold?

by. Kate Feather

Is enjoyable banking just hype? What does enjoyment mean to consumers in the context of their relationship with retail banks and credit unions? New research from PeopleMetrics tackles these questions, and outlines a road map to create experiences that leave a lasting, positive impression in consumers’ minds, driving higher levels of loyalty and advocacy as a result.

According to Forrester Research a great customer experience must:

  1. Meet consumers’ needs
  2. Require little effort
  3. Be enjoyable

As more and more banks and credit unions try to differentiate on the strength of their customer experience — shooting for unparalleled, exceptional, incomparable, etc. — many are asking the question: “Can banking really be enjoyable?”

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