How a water softener can help with mortgage marketing

About a year or so ago, we decided to turn off our water softener. I don’t remember why. I just know we haven’t used it in a long time. Yesterday, we decided we should turn it back on since we couldn’t remember why we shut it down.

When I turned it back on, it made this long beeping noise. Upon inspection, I realized that I left the salt in it when I shut it down and now the salt had crystallized and become one solid lump. Home improvement & maintenance are not at the top of my skill sets.

So I got a pick and spent an hour breaking up the hardened salt. To occupy my mind, I started thinking about upcoming blog posts and I realized that leaving the salt unattained for a year had a relation to being memberlicious with mortgage loans.

How so you ask? Read on………….

I left the salt in the water softener and did nothing with it for a year. Sometimes Credit Unions do this with marketing for their mortgage programs.

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