Helping less to achieve more

by. Anthony Demangone

Folks know that I write this blog, so it isn’t uncommon to receive a nice note from someone with a link to an interesting article.

This might interest you, they’ll say.

This past week, more than five people sent me a link to this piece by Dan Rockwell, also known as “The Leadership Freak.”

That tends to get your attention. 

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Dan counsels all of us, that as leaders, sometimes we need to do less. We need ot help less, and allow those we work with to struggle, learn and achieve on their own. In Dan’s own words:

Help done poorly creates dependency. But, help withheld seems disconnected or cold.

Leaders who say, “How can I help,” connect, change attitudes, and move agendas forward. But, help that weakens teams hurts organizations.

Over-helpful leaders frustrate teams.

Help done well strengthens.

Help done poorly weakens.

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