Have you seen a millennial?

by: Tommy Loo

Have you actually seen one?  You know…“Millennials”, have you seen one?  This seems to be a big question for many segments in business right now.  How do you define and serve the up and coming generation known as “Millennials”?
Every time you open a trade publication or read various blogs or discussion groups on LinkedIn you are bombarded by information over load for this new group of consumers.  By the way, this new generation garnering over +20% of the U.S. consumer buying power and growing every day, they are here to stay so it becomes a point of necessity.

It has gotten to the point; I am not sure what the profile of a Millennial really is? 

Here is what I’m talking about; recently the ICBA and The Center for Generational Kinetics conducted an ICBA American Millennial and Banking Study. The study findings stated that…

“Millennial’s are by far the most entrepreneurial generation.”

In fact, Chris Lorence, ICBA EVP and Chief Marketing Officer said,

“Community Banks and Millennial’s are the perfect fit for one another, both appreciate local business and both have a strong entrepreneurial spirit.”

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