Good Governance: Some new remote ‘norms’ are here to stay

Five tips for a successful pivot to virtual board meetings.

by Michael G. Daigneault and Gisèle Manole, CU Management

At a recent credit union board retreat, we asked the group (a mix of board members and executive leadership); “How do you think the post-COVID-19 world will be different from the pre-COVID-19 world?”

The answers were varied and included:

  • More of the workforce will work remotely
  • Better overall hygiene practices
  • Less brick-and-mortar retail and other traditional storefront businesses
  • Increased consolidation of the credit union field
  • Fewer major airlines and fewer travelers

We ask this question because, as they say, “the genie is out of the bottle” on so many of our new norms and behaviors. Our businesses and our culture have made a sharp turn to adapt to new laws about social distancing—a foreign concept just a few months ago. This pandemic has accelerated our transition into the digital realm.


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