Get to the point with your credit union videos

by. Jonathan Lay

I have a confession to make.

I have tab in Chrome titled “Bad Bank & Credit Union Videos.”

And after watching them recently, I began notice a pattern of mistakes that financial institutions did when it came to producing engaging online video.

That’s why I feel it’s necessary to educate bank and credit union marketers on these online video pitfalls and offer solutions.

Just Get to the Point Already

We live in the Age of Distraction. And some studies suggest that you have 8-10 seconds to capture your audience’s attention. Others say you have just five seconds.

That’s not much time at all.

So when I see banks and credit unions spend the first ten precious seconds of their video to just show their logo or showing a panning shot of the exterior of a branch, I shake my head in disappointment.

YouTube has not helped this situation as they now allow for banks and credit unions to add 3 second bumpers to their videos.

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