Get Stuff Done


I’m at a conference in Austin right now, and I’m super stoked about being able to be part of it. Why am I stoked? Well, the idea behind this particular conference is really cool. It’s a conference for young professionals, put together by young professionals. The name of the conference? You’re going to love this: Get Stuff Done.

Get. Stuff. Done. It’s simple, but that’s part of why I love the emphasis of the conference. I love that these Texas 12 decided it was important to them to get stuff done. You see, it’s easy for folks–me, you, cubicle-and-office-dwellers-everywhere–to talk a good game. Young professionals–and heck, professionals of any age–are good at saying stuff. We’re so inundated with information, and we have such unfettered access to ideas from so many super talented people, that we know what to say and when to say it. I suppose it’s kind of like growing up in church. After a while, you learn the lay of the land, right? You learn the lingo.

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