Four ways to use social media for word of mouth marketing

by: Denise Bahs

Does your marketing strategy include Word of Mouth marketing? The use of social media as a communication tool is unparalleled in Word of Mouth. For example, recently we’ve heard a lot about the riots in Baltimore. Social media was an effective communication tool in the fueling of those riots. While it was used with a destructive outcome, we can also harness the power of social media for ourselves: to grow our brand, thought leadership and social authority. As a social media coach with Profitecture, the following are examples of different ways my students have spread the word on their company and personal brands.

Linkedin Publishing tool, Pulse
Blogging is a great way to tell your story, however, a lot of people shy away from it because it takes time to build traffic. The LinkedIn publishing tool called Pulse, has the traffic already built in! I’ve seen first time bloggers get 100 views in about a week! That’s great word of mouth and exposure for a first time blogger. And, a blog post has a longer shelf life compared to a tweet or facebook post, which typically die after 24 hours.

Event hashtags
Events like trade shows or conferences will assign a hashtag to the show so attendees can follow along the conversation with others attending. It’s another place that people are gathering already – all you have to do is say something and you’re in the mix. It’s like a virtual room of people engaging about a specific topic. Why not jump in and join the conversation?

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