Four things you should know to start your credit union week

Kudos to our good friends at CUNA for joining in a petition seeking clarification from the FCC about when exactly the TCPA applies. Although I continue to get the sense that credit unions are not paying as much attention to this issue as they should, the general public is getting more annoyed by the growth unsolicited phone calls and now is no time to be in the dark about the circumstances under which your credit union may find itself on the receiving end of a class action lawsuit.

As I explained in this previous blog, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) applies to telephone equipment which has the capacity to store or produce telephone numbers to be called, using a random or sequential number generator; and to dial such numbers.” An amendment by the FCC extended this definition to include equipment which could be modified to do these tasks. Fortunately, a Federal court struck down the more expansive definition but now it’s time for the FCC to clarify once again what type of equipment triggers the TCPA.


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