Four Questions to ask at Your Next Management Team Meeting

By Mark Arnold

Management team meetings can be boring. Everyone goes around the table and shares updates from their departments. Blah, blah, blah. Too much reporting and not enough dialoging. Lots of talking and very little (real) listening.

So at your next management team meeting, throw out your traditional agenda. Instead, ask the following questions (making sure everyone answers) and enjoy a healthy idea exchange.

(1) What big changes are coming and how can we prepare?

The world—and your financial institution—is changing fast. And it’s changing faster than you even realize. If you are not ready for those changes then you are already behind. You could already be behind in your strategy and your thinking. It’s not enough to know that change is coming: you have to know how you are going to prepare for those changes (now).

(2)  What is one example of how your department is living our brand?

Every credit union and bank talks about its brand, values and value proposition (or at least it should). But while your management team leads your brand, it’s your employees who live your brand. Challenge each department head to bring a story about how one of their employees (front line or support staff) did something that demonstrates your brand values.

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