Formulating a bold advocacy strategy

Thank you to NAFCU President/CEO Dan Berger and the entire NAFCU staff for putting on a great Congressional Caucus this week; it was a pleasure to spend a few days together in Washington, D.C.

Dan and I spoke onstage Monday about conversations we’ve had with leaders and members of our organizations about the proposed merger, how it would increase collaboration within the movement, and how a single national association would be credit unions’ most effective champion.

Should our members approve the merger, I’ve committed to five areas of focus: advocacy; a united voice; compliance; education; and cooperative networking.

I also joined NAFCU Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Greg Mesack onstage Tuesday to focus on the state of credit union advocacy and what it might look like under America’s Credit Unions. In addition, we also opened up the microphone to NAFCU members to field questions and comments on the proposed merger.


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