Former CU assistant manager faces sentencing for fraudulent loans

In another case, two women are sentenced for their roles in an auto fraud ring that victimized a Mississippi CU.

In 2015, Cynthia Feazell jeopardized her 19-year credit union career, her reputation and her freedom to buy a mobile home.

The former loan officer and assistant manager of the $27.5 million Valex Federal Credit Union will be sentenced in December after pleading guilty on Sept. 10 to authorizing fraudulent loans that caused more than $240,000 in losses for the Pineville, La.-based cooperative, according to court documents.

Feazell, 48, of Montgomery, La., worked at the credit union from 1997 to 2016.

In 2015, federal prosecutors said Feazell decided she wanted to buy a mobile home. But she knew she would not qualify for a loan from the credit union because she was already paying for three auto loans.


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