Food for thought: What will ICU Day look like in 2020?

by. James Robert Lay

Happy International Credit Union Day. Today is a big day for credit unions. Today is a big day for us. 

We too believe credit unions can unite for good. Even more, we believe communities united around a common purpose, both offline and online, grow together. This is why we care and hope for a better financial future that brings dignity to all of humanity.

But I want to ask a serious question. So stop and put down the punch and cookies you are handing out in your credit union’s branch. What will International Credit Union Day look like in 2020?

Take a moment and look at how credit unions have currently promoted ICU Day. What is your credit union doing? After a quick survey of credit union websites, I found a common message that summarized below:

We invite members to stop by any of our branch locations today and enjoy snacks and refreshments.

Let’s take a moment and reflect on what percentage of your total members will stop by a branch today? Odds are you will have far more visits to your website and other digital channels.

Furthermore, why is the invitation open only to members? Why can’t we use ICU Day as more than an industry pep rally, but truly an effective way to invite non-members to join credit unions in a united effort to generate leads for loans and new accounts.

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