Five Things That Will be Gone in Ten Years

By Shari Storm

Two years ago, I attended the CUES CEO Institute at Wharton School of Business. One of the most impressive speakers was a man from Vongola Consulting named Rob-Jan de Jong. He talked to us about a concept called ‘future priming’.

Basically, it is the idea that the leaders of your credit union should periodically spend time considering what the future might look like and how you can prepare for it. This ‘primes’ your mind to spot shifts in trends. Inevitably, if you discuss something, you will see examples of it. (That’s called the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, by the way).

Read this list and then ask yourself, if true, what would it mean to our credit union? How would we have to evolve? What could we do to excel?

1.  Cars

Well, not cars, but cars as we know them will be gone. I predict that in ten years almost all cars will be self-driving, like the one in this video.

Cars that can drive themselves will have fewer accidents (less left up to human error), will be able to navigate rationally to reduce traffic (no more lookyloos that slow down the flow of traffic) and you’ll have far more time to check Facebook on your morning commute AND! They probably can park themselves. How can that not be in our future?

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