Five things successful LinkedIn users do on a monday morning – in just 20 minutes

by. Wayne Breitbarth

Do you want to see your LinkedIn efforts start paying off, week after week, on a consistent basis?

Of course, you do.  Then start by scheduling an appointment with your LinkedIn account each Monday morning and get these important things done in just 20 minutes.

1. Review “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” and reach out to the people you should be meeting (four minutes).

Viewing your profile is the equivalent of walking into your store, so be sure to reach out and ask the person how you might be able to help him/her.

2. Send invitations to join your LinkedIn network, using a five-star invitation, to people you met (in person or on the phone) during the previous work week (four minutes).

Making this part of your networking process will help you in so many different ways on LinkedIn. To get the inside scoop on adding gas (connections) to your LinkedIn tank, be sure to read “The LinkedIn Connections Conundrum: Who Should be in Your Network.” Improving your search ranking on LinkedIn is all about connections, especially the right ones, and people you have already met are spot on.

3. Check out and get involved in group discussions in your most productive group(s) (three minutes).

Yes, many groups are somewhat “spammy,” but when you find one that has the right folks who are talking about the right things and they’re just waiting for you to weigh in, don’t miss your chance.

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