Financial marketing during the holidays

by. Fatemeh Fakhraie

The holidays are in full-force! Instead of slowing down, this time of year is usually crazier than ever for financial marketers. Often, we spend more time marketing than celebrating: we have social media to keep an eye on, holiday campaigns to brainstorm and coordinate, and events to plan and sponsor.

I thought I’d do my best to help out by rounding up some helpful posts on just these topics:

The Financial Brand has a list of 14 holiday promotions you can do for your bank or credit union, often with little planning:

Last Christmas, Mutual Savings Credit Union in Alabama partnered with a local radio station to give away one Christmas wish a day for seven days (Dec 17-24). Listeners were encouraged to nominate deserving friends or needy family members by emailing the candidate’s information and details to the radio station.

DocuMatix has a few ideas for your holiday email campaigns:

At the beginning of your promotion, create an email to let people know what you’re offering. Then, send another one just before the promotion ends to give it a final kick. For example, say you’re creating a marketing campaign that will donate $1 to a local charity for each new “Like” on Facebook. Send out a simple email to let people know when it begins and then another towards the end to let everyone know how much you’ve raised so far.

At CU Insight, Michael Ogden from CUNA Mutual Group has a great post on why you should schedule stuff in advance for your social media channels:

Sure, you’re credit union isn’t technically retail establishment – but it sure is consumer-focused! Also, think about the mindset of those of you/us/me out there shopping and running holiday errands over the next few weeks. We are constantly on our smartphones looking for deals on Yelp and anything that can save us money in the short- and long-term – yep, even any financial help or service! Property taxes are due, credit card balances are shooting up…there are so many things your members need help with, especially during these crazy weeks ahead.

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